Back in the saddle

It’s two weeks into the new school year – how are you doing? I hope you have followed some of my tips (see August blogs) and are finding things going a bit smoother than last year. One more week to go before it becomes a habit….unless of course, you haven’t been following the routines each day. Then you are at step one. Baby steps one day at a time for three weeks to a less stressed life. Isn’t it worth a try?

For those with or without children in school, the fall is a great time to do something fun. Check out the adult education classes in your town (or a surrounding town) for ideas. There are classes that meet for one, two or eight sessions depending on what your interests are. Your local newspaper has information on other options such as a Toastmaster’s club, dance lessons or even a scrabble club nearby. There are plenty of options available. I know you are probably thinking I don’t have time for fun. Well, if you don’t take time for fun (which willstar gazing recharge you) then how will you ever take care of your family? Self care comes first and keeping yourself happy and healthy allows you to be at your best for those you love. Isn’t now a good time to start?

I am signing up for a two night class that allows me to look at the stars through a powerful telescope. Time commitment 3 hours, the recharging of my soul as I realize I am only a speck in the grand plan of things…..priceless. What fun will you have?  I’d love to hear about it.                                                                              

What the right motivation can do

Mother and Daughter walk 60 miles for all of usThey made it! This mother and daughter team walked the entire 60 miles during the Susan G. Komen 3 Day Walk for the Cure!! The first day didn’t start out well, with rain and soggy sneakers occurring in the first few hours. That was followed by a last minute change in sleeping arrangements because the lightning made it unsafe to sleep in the tents. But in spite of these difficulties they continued on with the over 2000 other walkers because they knew they weren’t walking for themselves but for all of us.

Their determination and commitment helped push them each mile. I think they learned something very important about themselves over those three days and so did all of us cheering from the side lines….if you find something that touches your heart….there is no limit to what you can do and together we can make a difference. Way to go ladies! I knew you could do it. Now readers, what inspires you?

3 More Tips to Organize for Back to School

Nestly packed backpackNow that you have set up a system for handling incoming and outgoing papers, a landing pad area and a central calendar (see last week’s blog), you are ready to organize the study area and backpack.

          1. The study space should be away from the hustle and bustle of the kitchen. Yes, it is convenient for children to work on the kitchen table, but the noise of dinner preparation and other siblings really makes it difficult for children to focus on their homework. Ever wonder why it seems to take them so long to finish? Set up a quiet place away from others for your child to work. Give the child a timer so that they can “see” how long they have been working. Depending on their age children should work in blocks of 15 minutes to 40 minutes and then should take a 10-minute break. Doing something active will help stimulate the brain, making learning easier. Instead of saving the most difficult subject for last, it should be done first while the brain is the most energized. After that, take a short break and the rest of the homework will seem much easier. Check on your child now and then to see how they are doing. For those with ADD, set the timer for 15 minutes and have them come to you and tell you what they are working on. Keep a list of their subjects and have them check off each one as they complete it.

  1. Make sure all the supplies that your child needs for their homework are within an easy reach of the study area. Using a whiteboard for calculations saves paper. Check to be sure that the chair is comfortable and ergonomically correct. Feet should be flat on the floor and not dangling above it. Lighting is another key factor. It should not be behind the child casting a shadow or too bright and glaring. Consider this-would you want to work in their space?

If your child prefers the floor or the couch to work on, provide a clipboard or hard surface for writing, but do not insist they sit at the desk. Set up a desk top file to hold returned papers for each subject area. That way when tests are coming up your child has all previous homework and papers to study from.

  1. The backpack is often seen as a big black hole where things seem to disappear. Help your child organize it by naming each pocket and deciding what belongs there. Create a little “map” of what the inside looks like and use it to see where things belong until it becomes a habit or label each pocket.

Using clear poly folders with bright colored end tabs makes it easy to find homework papers. Teach your child to put books and notebooks in according to size. It is very easy for a small book to get lost between two big notebooks.


Color code subjects so that notebooks and textbooks are easy to locate. Use zippered pockets in bright colors to keep things separate. Check the fit of the backpack and the weight when packed. It should not hang more than four inches below the waistline when both padded straps are used. The weight of the backpack should not exceed 10% of your child’s weight.


Encourage your child to bring home only what he needs and not just load the entire locker into the backpack, "just in case."

What is your favorite tip for keeping your child organized?  Please comment below. Thanks for reading!

3 Tips to Organize for Back to School

Great ideas for back to school

It’s back to school time. Are you ready or are you dreading the start of a new school year? If your last year was filled with stress and disorganization, then take a deep breathe. We have three home projects you can quickly do while you wait for the supply lists to come from the school. With a system for handling papers, a launch pad area and a family calendar in place you will start the year off on the right track.

  1. Set up a system for handling the incoming and outgoing papers. Using a simple in/outbox system for each family member helps reduce the hunt for that permission slip or the emergency contact form that needs to be sent back. Help children empty their backpacks daily and put papers that need to be signed or seen by a parent in the parent’s box. Once signed it is returned to the child’s box or put back in the backpack. If possible, set this up near the door that is used most often. Office type in/out boxes come in plastic, metal, bamboo, and fabric covered cardboard. Pick something that makes you feel good. If you’re short on flat counter space use the wall and hang a literature rack, or Pendaflex has a hanging file with 4 poly pockets.
  2. The launch pad or landing pad area is probably already established. It is the place where things get “plopped” on their way in the door and also when they are waiting to go out the door.  Why not make it more efficient and create places for those things you use daily? Have coat hooks for children (at their height) and a place for their backpacks, shoes, musical instruments, library books and/or sports equipment bag. A key rack and place for your cell phone, pocketbook and/or briefcase will save you time and energy too. With everything in one place, and set out the night before, there is less chance of forgetting things and you and your children will start the day off feeling confident.
  3. Central calendar: Having one main calendar for the entire family to use to post appointments, practices, and special events helps avoid overbooking and/or missed appointments. Let each family member use a different color marker on the calendar and be sure that all family members are included. If you use a planner or digital calendar be sure to input the new information so that you are up to date. Pick one day a week to review and plan the upcoming week. Sundays work well for many busy families.

Rain, rain….come again!

Put a couple of rainy days together and what happens? Outdoor plans change for indoor plans. This past week I had planned to move some flowers in order to get ready for the new front walkway and weed my vegetable garden, trim some bushes, etc. You get the idea. Then the rain came… I don’t mind a little drizzle but this was a torrential downpour with thunder and lightning to match. No hope of getting any of those things off my “to do” list. So while I was reconsidering my plan for the day, I happened to glance at a photo on the wall that was crooked again!  I decided to handle it this time once and for all. So, I used that magic hook and loop stuff called Velcro™ to make sure it never moves again. That felt good! Then I tightened the loose door knob, changed a light bulb and removed a blotch of paint on a curtain (don’t ask). I was on a roll.


These little things had been bugging me for some time, yet I had continued to tolerate them (some for longer than I care to remember). As I took care of each little thing, I felt better and better. So just like unfinished to dos, these tolerances were draining my energy.


Monica Ricci’s blog today mentioned that disorganization is about “TRYING to control what you can’t, and NOT controlling the things you can!” This is something we can control and you’ll be surprised at what a big difference it will make in your life! Let me know what you have been tolerating and how you feel when you take the time to take care of it. I’d love to hear from you. Now I can’t wait for the next rainy day!


To leave a comment just click on the blue word “comment” or “leave a response” if the reply box is not seen below.

What inspires you?

Where does inspiration and motivation come from? Here are two women that have inspired me and I hope will inspire you too. Together we can make a difference but it starts with each of us finding something we are passionate about and then doing something about it. The key here is ACTION.


My lifelong friend, Rosemonde, found inspiration and motivation where she least expected it – in a TV commercial!  She was sitting on the couch “relaxing” as she often did, when a commercial for the Susan G. Komen Three Day Breast Cancer walk came on. She had seen these commercials before and is not a stranger to the pain and suffering breast cancer causes having watched her mother struggle and succumb to it over 20 years ago. But something was different this year, somehow her doubts about making a difference as one person faded away and she decided that for herself, her daughter and all her female friends she would step up and do something about it. She went to the meeting to get more details and there she signed on for the 60 mile walk. She was given advice and a training schedule that would help her “train” for this incredible event. Now keep in mind, Rosemonde doesn’t even like to walk on a treadmill. Yet she has persevered through the training by walking and cross training daily and steadily increasing the distance. This weekend as part of the training she is to walk 18 miles on Saturday and 15 miles on Sunday.  The training is a big time commitment and she has had to organize her life around it. She is doing it and I know she will make it through. I am so proud of her!


When Rosemonde’s daughter, Joia, got the news she immediately signed on in support of her mother and in memory of the grandmother she never knew. Distance keeps them from training together but Joia has taken on the challenge. She has had to organize her life around college, work and training for not one but two events! Joia is a runner and had set her sights on running a marathon and so this year she will be joining her mother for the Three Day walk in August and running the NYC marathon as part of Team for Kids in November! Team for Kids is “… committed to improving the health and fitness of children across the United States and around the world. Team for Kids programs teach children the fundamentals of lifetime fitness, while building their fortitude and focus and increasing their self-discipline and self-esteem. Just last night there was a news report on childhood obesity and the alarming decrease in the amount of physical activity of children today. This is not only causing health problems at early ages but social, academic and self esteem issues as well. What a great program to support.


If you’re shaking your head and agreeing with me but thinking I am only one person, I can’t make a difference. Then think again! Rosemonde is making a difference and Joia is making a difference and all those that support those that can make that commitment – are also making a difference. Together we are stronger. What inspires you to action?


Each participant needs to raise a minimum of $2200.00 in order to take part in these events. For more information on these events or to donate in support of Rosemonde and/or Joia please use the links below:



The 3 Day


The NYC marathon Team for Kids:

Joia’s entry number : 258170

Last name: Spinelli


The 3 Day: Rosemonde:

Together we are stronger. 

Pink ribbon

Holiday? What holiday?

Happy 4th of July!! 

I hope you are enjoying the holiday….really enjoying it. It seems that many people see a “holiday” as just another day to get more things done. We work hard enough the other five days of the week and yet continue to work away our weekends and extra days off. Why is that?


Yes, I admit there are times when I shop on a Sunday but if the stores were not open, my world would not fall apart. I try to make a point of staying away from commercial businesses especially on holidays. The one thing you can depend on is that the post offices, government offices and banks will be closed. Stores, auto dealers, and restaurants will all be open offering bigger sales…what about the people that have to work in those places? Don’t they deserve a holiday too?


 Webster defines a “holiday” as, “a day on which one is exempt from work; specifically : a day marked by a general suspension of work in commemoration of an event.”  I hope you take the time to celebrate this Independence Day in the way that it was meant to be celebrated. Take in a parade or some fireworks and wear your red, white and blue. Running low on patriotic spirit? Bristol, Rhode Island has the longest parade I have ever seen and the whole town really shows their colors weeks in advance. Sit back and enjoy and forget about that “to do” list. It will still be there tomorrow.


Found this fitting quote on Monica Ricci’s blog  “Plenty of people miss their share of happiness, not because they never found it, but because they didn’t stop to enjoy it.”

William Feather
American Author and Publisher
1889 – 1981

Multi-tasking Myth

Organizing Myth #1: Multi-tasking leads to being organized and productive

Are you a multitasker? If you are trying to do two or more things at the same time you are multitasking. Now, you may think that by doing that you are getting more done in a shorter amount of time but actually that is not true. New studies have shown that the more we juggle, the less productive we really are. Some studies have shown that our IQ goes down by about 10 points when we multi-task. That is about as much as skipping a night’s sleep. Can you imagine? Dr. Gary Small, a memory specialist at the University of California, Los Angeles explains, “When we’re multi-tasking, we don’t focus our attention. So information never gets into our memory stores, and so we think we don’t remember.  We just never learned the information to begin with.” So maybe those “senior moments” aren’t so senior after all. Slow down and do one thing at a time and let me know if your productivity goes up. You might find you remember more too. Organizing Fact: Multi-tasking is not more productive.



Tip 3: Structure is not a bad thing

Here is the third tip on organizing your kids for summer. If you just started reading I suggest you follow the links to the first part of this three part blog and start from there and read back. Although the summer is often the time we think of breaking out of our daily routine, it is a good idea to maintain some sense of schedule even during the summer. Following a routine can teach responsibility, accountability and time management skills. Teach responsibility by having kids follow a routine to get ready for the day and to end it, such as get dressed before breakfast or a ten minute pickup of all their things before going to bed. Create a job chart and let them pick which jobs they want. Explain that the family is a team and everyone helps so everyone can have time to play together.

Scheduling some reading time each day will help get through the summer reading list with ease and Mom and Dad may get to read the newspaper too. Keep up those academic skills by playing games together, practicing math facts, naming the 50 states or putting together a family newspaper for the relatives. Have a family game night or movie night towards the end of the week as a “reward” for staying on track. Making learning fun encourages your child to learn more. Maintaining a structure develops habits, makes children aware of what is coming up and reduces outbursts. Also if they know what is coming up, you may not hear  “I’m bored” quite so many times this summer. So plan in some structure and some fun this summer and let me know how it goes.

Tip 2: Plan B for summer fun

Last week we talked about being prepared for the summer by checking out all the kids’ toys, games and sports equipment to be sure they are in good working condition. This week the second tip to having fun this summer is to always have a plan B. Thinking ahead and having some activities and day trip ideas can prevent the “I’m bored” syndrome. Spending time with your children is an important role. Playing together strengthens family bonds and builds important social skills. Children are often so busy doing things that they don’t have time to play. Use the summer to cut back on the “doing” and have more fun just “being” together.

Get into the action by having the whole family involved in an obstacle course (designed by the children), or a fitness test done several times throughout the summer to see if each person can beat their personal score or design a treasure map or scavenger hunt.  Plan a day trip and be a tourist in your own town. Are there museums or historic sites nearby that may help your child understand next year’s history class a bit better? Find other activities happening in your area by searching

Simple things like a picnic in the park or campout in the backyard can add some fun and excitement too. Get the children involved in the planning for vacations, summer camp or a week at Grandma’s. Buy a few games or toys to pull out on rainy days and be sure to have plenty of craft supplies for creative minds. Use your imagination and have fun together. You can also find other great ideas at: kids turn central and creative kids at home.