What Your Child/Teen Wants You to Know about ADHD
Hey Mom/Dad (or Parent), We are about to start a new school year and I am worried and scared that it will be like last year. I really do want to do well, but my ADHD keeps getting in the way and I don’t know what to do about it. I do know that I … Read more
Summer Balance – What Does That Mean For You?
We’ve all heard the term “work/life balance” and its implied connotation that it is possible to achieve a 50/50 balance between work and our other responsibilities to ourselves and our families. I believe that we each have to find our own sense of “balance” and the summer is the perfect time to change things up. … Read more
How to Organize Any Space in 4 Easy Steps
Summer is coming – that’s the good news! We want to enjoy the summer but with graduations, weddings and bbqs happening every weekend, things can get ahead of us because we don’t have the time but we also don’t want to use what little time we do have on decluttering, so things can pile up- … Read more
Are You Enabling or Empowering Your Child?
We all want our children to grow up to be responsible, successful members of society. Isn’t that what you want for your child? So, we “help” them at every turn so that they can make it to school on time, complete their homework perfectly, and get good grades. But are you really helping or are … Read more
Basic Week Routine to the Rescue!
There are two kinds of people – those that love routines and those that don’t. Which are you? If you don’t love routines, it may be because you feel they are too restrictive, too boring or just too hard. After all, who wants to do something 66 times before it becomes automatic? However, if you … Read more
Action Today = Better Learning Tomorrow
Calling all parents….do you want to help your child/teen complete their homework more efficiently, study more effectively for tests and ultimately improve their learning and their grades? Time is running out. We’re in term 3. The early Spring is often the most difficult time for students to stay motivated and to keep up with their … Read more
Use Your ADHD Super Powers and Get More Done!
January 1st is meant to encourage thoughts of possibilities but it can also be a reminder of the previous year’s disappointments. For 2024, let’s make a deal, there’s enough negativity in the world, let’s focus on the positive this year. Are you in? It’s time to embrace our neurodiversity and use our strengths to get things … Read more
Secrets to Helping Kids with ADHD
ADHD, is it a superpower or kryptonite at home or at school? The truth is, it is probably both depending on the situation. All students want to learn, they often feel a great deal of pressure to “learn” and be able to show that learning when it is called for. How can you help your … Read more
Are You on Santa’s Stressed List?
Stress. It’s a word we hear every day and I am sure it means different things to each of us (including our kids). The World Health Organization defines stress as, “a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation. It is a natural human response that prompts us to address challenges and … Read more