Learning + New Friends = Great NAPO Conference

napo-conference-friends1       What a way to get inspired! I spent three days and nights laughing, learning and rubbing elbows with 750 other professional organizers in sunny, WARM, Orlando, Florida at the NAPO (National Association of Professional Organizers) Annual Conference. See that’s me on the left shown with Elizabeth Hagen (in the middle) who has been instrumental in pushing me to do more public speaking and Monica Ricci (far right) who’s role on Mission Organization actually got me interested in becoming an organizer several years ago (and I love the way she runs the Ask the Organizer panel each year). Standing next to me on the left is the incoming President of the NAPO-New England Chapter of Professional Organizers and my roommate during the conference, Kelly Deering. Also shown is another NAPO-New England friend and fellow ASL signer, Kelly Santos (next to Monica).

          I love to learn!!  The annual conference is three days of presentations, networking and a product expo with over 50 vendors. The new ideas, new products and all the business related topics are what inspire me at Conference. My head is full of great ideas and new products that I will be sharing with you in upcoming blogs so check back often. In the meantime, let me know what inspires you? Is it going to a conference, a workshop, reading a book, joining a success group or what? I’d be interested to hear from you solo-preneurs too – since we are responsible for motivating ourselves.

Thanks for reading.

Set Three and Be Free: End Multitasking


Are you “crazy” busy all day multitasking and then come home exhausted wondering what did you actually accomplish?

No matter where you work or what you do you are exposed to the “instantness” of technology. The cellphone rings, the email dings and the fax hums. People want information or solutions instantly and often that means interrupting others, including you, to get it. You could spend an entire day responding to emails, phone calls or interruptions and never get a single thing crossed off your to do list. Sure, you may be accomplishing a great deal but is it the important stuff or just the “urgent” (louder, more in your face type)?

The facts are in from several studies indicating that we not only lose time when multitasking but also efficiency and mental capabilities. Some estimates indicate 20-40% decrease in our IQ when truly multitasking. If that is interfering with our ability to get things done then it’s no surprise that we often feel that nothing significant gets done. So, the first step is to determine what is important.

Usually, we wait until some deadline or time limit (usually imposed by another) puts pressure on us to complete the task before we force ourselves to focus long enough to complete it. Needless to say, this adds stress to our lives and possibly to others that we need to get information or help from when they are forced to adhere to our time table.

So, determine what is important before you start each day. Be realistic and list only 3 tasks that you deem important. If only those three things were done, would you go home happy feeling like a success?

Next find a block of time in the morning that you can work on the first task. Do not check your email before starting on this task. Julie Morgenstern, an organizing expert has written, “Never Check Email in the Morning” with lots of tips on how to be more effective at work. During this block of time which can be as short as 20 minutes or as long as 90 minutes, turn off audible notifications and do not answer the phone, or check email. Each time you switch between tasks you lose your focus and studies indicate it takes 15-25 minutes to regain that same amount of focus.

Lastly, if you are interrupted or must stop unexpectedly, then write yourself a note explaining what your next step is. This will decrease the amount of time it takes you to get back into the “flow”. Continue with each task until completed, then check email or return phone calls. This puts you in control and not technology in control. Dr. Edward Hallowell suggests that, “…despite our belief that we cannot control how much we’re overloaded, we can. “We need to recreate boundaries,” he said. “That means training yourself not to look at your email every 20 seconds, or turning off your cellphone.”

There is no way to escape the onslaught of technology unless you make active choices. Start today and list your three most important, manageable tasks for tomorrow’s success. There, I finished my first task for today by publishing this blog. Next up the treadmill and then visiting a sick friend. Wishing you a successful day that you control. Let me know how you do.

Week 7: One Day At A Time Towards Health

            I know you have heard it before. We all know we should but then, why don’t we? Exercise regularly that is. I recently stepped back to “people watch” and discovered how many people have difficulty moving about. I take my ability to walk, ride a bike, snowshoe, ballroom dance and swim for granted. I wonder if those I see shuffling along or using a cane or walker thought about what their bodies would be like 10-20 years in the future. It got me thinking. If you don’t have your health or your ability to move then your options are limited and your quality of life may suffer.

            A quick Google of the “benefits of exercise” results in over 22,600,000 hits. To summarize, it prevents certain types of cancers, lowers risk of Type 2 diabetes, improves cardiovascular health, may help you lose weight, the list goes on and on. Now who wouldn’t want any one of those – better yet, all of those?

            So, as part of this 12 week plan I think it is important to consider fitting in regular exercise. Take a look at your schedule, could you get up a bit earlier and work out or walk before going to work? Yes, I know you are already getting up early and it is very dark still and will be even darker next week when the clocks jump ahead but try it for a week and see how you feel. Or try doing something active for 30 minutes when you get home. Take it one day at a time. Sure at the beginning you won’t see any big changes but maybe you’ll notice a bit more energy or a better night’s sleep. If you keep at it you may notice your clothes fitting differently and that I think is a great motivator. Feeling thin and fit reinforces your willpower to continue. Change it up, don’t stick with the same type of activity every day or if you do remember to push yourself a bit extra each time. The body is designed to be worked (I read that somewhere) and you’ll notice that the more you work it, the better it will feel. Of course always check with your doctor before beginning an exercise program.

            Picture yourself 10 years from now, are you active and mobile or are you limited by what you can do? I for one do not wish to wait for someone else to push my wheelchair off the plane. I have been doing this for two weeks now and need another notch in my belt. Just typing that puts a smile on my face. I feel good knowing I am headed in the right direction. I wish all of you, the same success. Please let me know how you are doing.


Back in the saddle

It’s two weeks into the new school year – how are you doing? I hope you have followed some of my tips (see August blogs) and are finding things going a bit smoother than last year. One more week to go before it becomes a habit….unless of course, you haven’t been following the routines each day. Then you are at step one. Baby steps one day at a time for three weeks to a less stressed life. Isn’t it worth a try?

For those with or without children in school, the fall is a great time to do something fun. Check out the adult education classes in your town (or a surrounding town) for ideas. There are classes that meet for one, two or eight sessions depending on what your interests are. Your local newspaper has information on other options such as a Toastmaster’s club, dance lessons or even a scrabble club nearby. There are plenty of options available. I know you are probably thinking I don’t have time for fun. Well, if you don’t take time for fun (which willstar gazing recharge you) then how will you ever take care of your family? Self care comes first and keeping yourself happy and healthy allows you to be at your best for those you love. Isn’t now a good time to start?

I am signing up for a two night class that allows me to look at the stars through a powerful telescope. Time commitment 3 hours, the recharging of my soul as I realize I am only a speck in the grand plan of things…..priceless. What fun will you have?  I’d love to hear about it.                                                                              

What the right motivation can do

Mother and Daughter walk 60 miles for all of usThey made it! This mother and daughter team walked the entire 60 miles during the Susan G. Komen 3 Day Walk for the Cure!! The first day didn’t start out well, with rain and soggy sneakers occurring in the first few hours. That was followed by a last minute change in sleeping arrangements because the lightning made it unsafe to sleep in the tents. But in spite of these difficulties they continued on with the over 2000 other walkers because they knew they weren’t walking for themselves but for all of us.

Their determination and commitment helped push them each mile. I think they learned something very important about themselves over those three days and so did all of us cheering from the side lines….if you find something that touches your heart….there is no limit to what you can do and together we can make a difference. Way to go ladies! I knew you could do it. Now readers, what inspires you?

What inspires you?

Where does inspiration and motivation come from? Here are two women that have inspired me and I hope will inspire you too. Together we can make a difference but it starts with each of us finding something we are passionate about and then doing something about it. The key here is ACTION.


My lifelong friend, Rosemonde, found inspiration and motivation where she least expected it – in a TV commercial!  She was sitting on the couch “relaxing” as she often did, when a commercial for the Susan G. Komen Three Day Breast Cancer walk came on. She had seen these commercials before and is not a stranger to the pain and suffering breast cancer causes having watched her mother struggle and succumb to it over 20 years ago. But something was different this year, somehow her doubts about making a difference as one person faded away and she decided that for herself, her daughter and all her female friends she would step up and do something about it. She went to the meeting to get more details and there she signed on for the 60 mile walk. She was given advice and a training schedule that would help her “train” for this incredible event. Now keep in mind, Rosemonde doesn’t even like to walk on a treadmill. Yet she has persevered through the training by walking and cross training daily and steadily increasing the distance. This weekend as part of the training she is to walk 18 miles on Saturday and 15 miles on Sunday.  The training is a big time commitment and she has had to organize her life around it. She is doing it and I know she will make it through. I am so proud of her!


When Rosemonde’s daughter, Joia, got the news she immediately signed on in support of her mother and in memory of the grandmother she never knew. Distance keeps them from training together but Joia has taken on the challenge. She has had to organize her life around college, work and training for not one but two events! Joia is a runner and had set her sights on running a marathon and so this year she will be joining her mother for the Three Day walk in August and running the NYC marathon as part of Team for Kids in November! Team for Kids is “… committed to improving the health and fitness of children across the United States and around the world. Team for Kids programs teach children the fundamentals of lifetime fitness, while building their fortitude and focus and increasing their self-discipline and self-esteem. Just last night there was a news report on childhood obesity and the alarming decrease in the amount of physical activity of children today. This is not only causing health problems at early ages but social, academic and self esteem issues as well. What a great program to support.


If you’re shaking your head and agreeing with me but thinking I am only one person, I can’t make a difference. Then think again! Rosemonde is making a difference and Joia is making a difference and all those that support those that can make that commitment – are also making a difference. Together we are stronger. What inspires you to action?


Each participant needs to raise a minimum of $2200.00 in order to take part in these events. For more information on these events or to donate in support of Rosemonde and/or Joia please use the links below:



The 3 Day



The NYC marathon Team for Kids:


Joia’s entry number : 258170

Last name: Spinelli




The 3 Day: Rosemonde:     http://08.the3day.org/goto/rospinelli

Together we are stronger. 

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