What a way to get inspired! I spent three days and nights laughing, learning and rubbing elbows with 750 other professional organizers in sunny, WARM, Orlando, Florida at the NAPO (National Association of Professional Organizers) Annual Conference. See that’s me on the left shown with Elizabeth Hagen (in the middle) who has been instrumental in pushing me to do more public speaking and Monica Ricci (far right) who’s role on Mission Organization actually got me interested in becoming an organizer several years ago (and I love the way she runs the Ask the Organizer panel each year). Standing next to me on the left is the incoming President of the NAPO-New England Chapter of Professional Organizers and my roommate during the conference, Kelly Deering. Also shown is another NAPO-New England friend and fellow ASL signer, Kelly Santos (next to Monica).
I love to learn!! The annual conference is three days of presentations, networking and a product expo with over 50 vendors. The new ideas, new products and all the business related topics are what inspire me at Conference. My head is full of great ideas and new products that I will be sharing with you in upcoming blogs so check back often. In the meantime, let me know what inspires you? Is it going to a conference, a workshop, reading a book, joining a success group or what? I’d be interested to hear from you solo-preneurs too – since we are responsible for motivating ourselves.
Thanks for reading.