The Mysterious Cabinet Over the Fridge

It is spring at long last and it is time to open the windows to clear the air.  Laine is right; spring cleaning is not like it was in our Grandmother’s day, we don’t have the lifestyles or the time to spend a whole month doing a major overhaul of the house, besides, houses are bigger now.  Because of this I find that sometimes little corners get overlooked, I clean and organize the pantry cabinet a few times a year, but when was the last time I cleaned that hard to reach cabinet over the fridge?  You know those cabinets that are so hard to reach you put little used items in them, spare light bulbs, ice buckets, and whatnots that you use once or twice a year.

I have to confess that when I spring clean my kitchen I go through all my “working cabinets” first, so that by the time it comes to tackling that one over the fridge I have run out of steam, and it gets left as a rainy day project. 

Today is raining.  I sit here planning my day and that pesky cabinet is talking to me, just what is up there anyways?  The left side has the chocolate candy molds I use for different holidays, they could be sorted by themes and maybe I should actually move them to the cellar, I’ve cleared and organized some shelves down there. But then what would go in this cabinet? Besides, what is on the other side? I used to keep the big crock-pot up there, but it was reassigned to the cellar a few years ago to make room for extra ice cube trays. I went through a phase of making fancy ice cubes in different shapes, I am over that now. I’ve cleared the fancy ice cube trays out to make room for…..what is up there???  Why am I keeping it? And just what am I making room for? The only solution to this mystery is to haul my chair over, climb up, clear the junk off the top of my fridge and go through that cabinet. Hey…… maybe I can put the stuff that is on top of the fridge in the cabinet, just what is up there and why am I keeping it? Do you have a mystery cabinet?

Thanks to our special guest blogger Sue V.

CHADD Parent to Parent Family Training Class starts April 26th in Norwell. Email us for a registration form. Hurry as registration ends April 20th.

1 thought on “The Mysterious Cabinet Over the Fridge”

  1. The mysterious cabinet over my fridge holds my Christmas dishes and glasses AND my every day dishes and glasses during the Christmas holiday. I have been using it this way for over 20 years and it’s the best organized cabinet I have.


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