Multi-tasking Myth

Organizing Myth #1: Multi-tasking leads to being organized and productive

Are you a multitasker? If you are trying to do two or more things at the same time you are multitasking. Now, you may think that by doing that you are getting more done in a shorter amount of time but actually that is not true. New studies have shown that the more we juggle, the less productive we really are. Some studies have shown that our IQ goes down by about 10 points when we multi-task. That is about as much as skipping a night’s sleep. Can you imagine? Dr. Gary Small, a memory specialist at the University of California, Los Angeles explains, “When we’re multi-tasking, we don’t focus our attention. So information never gets into our memory stores, and so we think we don’t remember.  We just never learned the information to begin with.” So maybe those “senior moments” aren’t so senior after all. Slow down and do one thing at a time and let me know if your productivity goes up. You might find you remember more too. Organizing Fact: Multi-tasking is not more productive.



Tip 3: Structure is not a bad thing

Here is the third tip on organizing your kids for summer. If you just started reading I suggest you follow the links to the first part of this three part blog and start from there and read back. Although the summer is often the time we think of breaking out of our daily routine, it is a good idea to maintain some sense of schedule even during the summer. Following a routine can teach responsibility, accountability and time management skills. Teach responsibility by having kids follow a routine to get ready for the day and to end it, such as get dressed before breakfast or a ten minute pickup of all their things before going to bed. Create a job chart and let them pick which jobs they want. Explain that the family is a team and everyone helps so everyone can have time to play together.

Scheduling some reading time each day will help get through the summer reading list with ease and Mom and Dad may get to read the newspaper too. Keep up those academic skills by playing games together, practicing math facts, naming the 50 states or putting together a family newspaper for the relatives. Have a family game night or movie night towards the end of the week as a “reward” for staying on track. Making learning fun encourages your child to learn more. Maintaining a structure develops habits, makes children aware of what is coming up and reduces outbursts. Also if they know what is coming up, you may not hear  “I’m bored” quite so many times this summer. So plan in some structure and some fun this summer and let me know how it goes.

Tip 2: Plan B for summer fun

Last week we talked about being prepared for the summer by checking out all the kids’ toys, games and sports equipment to be sure they are in good working condition. This week the second tip to having fun this summer is to always have a plan B. Thinking ahead and having some activities and day trip ideas can prevent the “I’m bored” syndrome. Spending time with your children is an important role. Playing together strengthens family bonds and builds important social skills. Children are often so busy doing things that they don’t have time to play. Use the summer to cut back on the “doing” and have more fun just “being” together.

Get into the action by having the whole family involved in an obstacle course (designed by the children), or a fitness test done several times throughout the summer to see if each person can beat their personal score or design a treasure map or scavenger hunt.  Plan a day trip and be a tourist in your own town. Are there museums or historic sites nearby that may help your child understand next year’s history class a bit better? Find other activities happening in your area by searching

Simple things like a picnic in the park or campout in the backyard can add some fun and excitement too. Get the children involved in the planning for vacations, summer camp or a week at Grandma’s. Buy a few games or toys to pull out on rainy days and be sure to have plenty of craft supplies for creative minds. Use your imagination and have fun together. You can also find other great ideas at: kids turn central and creative kids at home.