May is for Moms

May is for Moms. The month of May has the weather we like, the flowers start to blossom, the days are longer, and it feels so good to get out of our turtlenecks and heavy jackets. Now if we could just get that “project” off our list…..we would be extra happy.

The problem with being the task master (ie. The one in charge of creating the “to do” list in the first place and also often the only one doing it) is that we sometimes aren’t in the mood, or don’t have the supplies we need, or life interrupts and we end up putting it off for another day, and another day and another day. Has that ever happened to you?

After two or three times of pushing it off, it often becomes even harder to get motivated to actually get working on it. Some days our resolve to persevere is stronger than on other days – depending on the project. If there is a time limit that has to be met, or if our children need us to do something, the task will often get done. But what if there isn’t anyone pushing you. What gets you to do it?

Without a sense of urgency, we are less likely to feel motivated to complete a task we have been putting off. Sure, you can announce it to the world and hope that makes you feel enough pressure to complete it, or bribe yourself with a reward, enlist help, or rationalize your way out of doing it….or….you could find an accountability partner.

An accountability partner shouldn’t be your best friend. They have a tendency to “go easy” on you and let you off the hook if you whine enough about the crazy week you’ve had. You want a coach that will empathize but will also ask you to think deeper about the challenges and see what else might be holding you back. They will ask questions that will guide you to come up with your own solutions – and check in with you to be sure you are on track.

An organizer coach does all that and more. They can help you actually make progress on that project you have been putting off, with hands on help, as well as, discover what has been holding you back, give ideas for creating new systems to move you forward and hold you accountable by checking in regularly. What would it feel like to have that kind of support and get your project done?

Give us a call and ask about our one hour “Booster shot” program. It could be the push you’ve been looking for (781) 659-0513.

Too Many To-Do's?

            Time has a way of creeping up on us. As you can see this blog is two weeks overdue. I apologize for that but it has led me back to technology (I have previously used) for a solution.

            With our heads full of so many things we want to do, should do, and have to do, it is no wonder we feel stressed.  David Allen of Getting Things Done (GTD) fame says that we “only have so much psychic RAM” and (I’m summarizing here) if we don’t find a way to put some of those things into another form of storage we may run out of “RAM” and crash.

            Think back to the last time you felt really overwhelmed by all that you needed to do. Did you sit down to write a new “to do” list? I often end up using a mind map form (looks like a circle in the middle with other circles connected by lines and then tasks under each of those). It helps me focus and determine which tasks go with which part of my life. Business, Personal, Family are a few of my subcategories. One thing is for sure, while I am doing it, I feel better. Yes, it looks like a lot but at least I am not forgetting anything important. I can then break down the big “tasks” (really they are projects) into the next action steps. That gives me a better of idea of what is really involved in getting that (“biggie”) crossed off the list. When we try to hold it all in our heads or move it from one to do list to another one, we run the danger of losing something.

            Enter Hiveminder. There are other free programs out there that do the same things, like Remember the Milk but Hiveminder has the Brain Dump function I like (and the Bee theme is cute too). I type a list of everything on my mind and it will create a task list for me. Then I can add details, set priorities and reminders. I can delegate tasks to others using it and even create a shared task list (great for household stuff that needs to get done). The task review option is a great way to review each task. I can see just how much I really have accomplished.

            My point is there are options out there and using them can save you time, energy and “psychic RAM” so why not use them and save that brain space for more creative endeavors. Let me know what you’re using to handle your to do’s in the comment section below. (PS Just my opinion, I am not endorsing any programs)