3 More Tips to Organize for Back to School

Nestly packed backpackNow that you have set up a system for handling incoming and outgoing papers, a landing pad area and a central calendar (see last week’s blog), you are ready to organize the study area and backpack.

          1. The study space should be away from the hustle and bustle of the kitchen. Yes, it is convenient for children to work on the kitchen table, but the noise of dinner preparation and other siblings really makes it difficult for children to focus on their homework. Ever wonder why it seems to take them so long to finish? Set up a quiet place away from others for your child to work. Give the child a timer so that they can “see” how long they have been working. Depending on their age children should work in blocks of 15 minutes to 40 minutes and then should take a 10-minute break. Doing something active will help stimulate the brain, making learning easier. Instead of saving the most difficult subject for last, it should be done first while the brain is the most energized. After that, take a short break and the rest of the homework will seem much easier. Check on your child now and then to see how they are doing. For those with ADD, set the timer for 15 minutes and have them come to you and tell you what they are working on. Keep a list of their subjects and have them check off each one as they complete it.

  1. Make sure all the supplies that your child needs for their homework are within an easy reach of the study area. Using a whiteboard for calculations saves paper. Check to be sure that the chair is comfortable and ergonomically correct. Feet should be flat on the floor and not dangling above it. Lighting is another key factor. It should not be behind the child casting a shadow or too bright and glaring. Consider this-would you want to work in their space?

If your child prefers the floor or the couch to work on, provide a clipboard or hard surface for writing, but do not insist they sit at the desk. Set up a desk top file to hold returned papers for each subject area. That way when tests are coming up your child has all previous homework and papers to study from.

  1. The backpack is often seen as a big black hole where things seem to disappear. Help your child organize it by naming each pocket and deciding what belongs there. Create a little “map” of what the inside looks like and use it to see where things belong until it becomes a habit or label each pocket.

Using clear poly folders with bright colored end tabs makes it easy to find homework papers. Teach your child to put books and notebooks in according to size. It is very easy for a small book to get lost between two big notebooks.


Color code subjects so that notebooks and textbooks are easy to locate. Use zippered pockets in bright colors to keep things separate. Check the fit of the backpack and the weight when packed. It should not hang more than four inches below the waistline when both padded straps are used. The weight of the backpack should not exceed 10% of your child’s weight.


Encourage your child to bring home only what he needs and not just load the entire locker into the backpack, "just in case."

What is your favorite tip for keeping your child organized?  Please comment below. Thanks for reading!

3 Tips to Organize for Back to School

Great ideas for back to school

It’s back to school time. Are you ready or are you dreading the start of a new school year? If your last year was filled with stress and disorganization, then take a deep breathe. We have three home projects you can quickly do while you wait for the supply lists to come from the school. With a system for handling papers, a launch pad area and a family calendar in place you will start the year off on the right track.

  1. Set up a system for handling the incoming and outgoing papers. Using a simple in/outbox system for each family member helps reduce the hunt for that permission slip or the emergency contact form that needs to be sent back. Help children empty their backpacks daily and put papers that need to be signed or seen by a parent in the parent’s box. Once signed it is returned to the child’s box or put back in the backpack. If possible, set this up near the door that is used most often. Office type in/out boxes come in plastic, metal, bamboo, and fabric covered cardboard. Pick something that makes you feel good. If you’re short on flat counter space use the wall and hang a literature rack, or Pendaflex has a hanging file with 4 poly pockets.
  2. The launch pad or landing pad area is probably already established. It is the place where things get “plopped” on their way in the door and also when they are waiting to go out the door.  Why not make it more efficient and create places for those things you use daily? Have coat hooks for children (at their height) and a place for their backpacks, shoes, musical instruments, library books and/or sports equipment bag. A key rack and place for your cell phone, pocketbook and/or briefcase will save you time and energy too. With everything in one place, and set out the night before, there is less chance of forgetting things and you and your children will start the day off feeling confident.
  3. Central calendar: Having one main calendar for the entire family to use to post appointments, practices, and special events helps avoid overbooking and/or missed appointments. Let each family member use a different color marker on the calendar and be sure that all family members are included. If you use a planner or digital calendar be sure to input the new information so that you are up to date. Pick one day a week to review and plan the upcoming week. Sundays work well for many busy families.