Week 7: One Day At A Time Towards Health

            I know you have heard it before. We all know we should but then, why don’t we? Exercise regularly that is. I recently stepped back to “people watch” and discovered how many people have difficulty moving about. I take my ability to walk, ride a bike, snowshoe, ballroom dance and swim for granted. I wonder if those I see shuffling along or using a cane or walker thought about what their bodies would be like 10-20 years in the future. It got me thinking. If you don’t have your health or your ability to move then your options are limited and your quality of life may suffer.

            A quick Google of the “benefits of exercise” results in over 22,600,000 hits. To summarize, it prevents certain types of cancers, lowers risk of Type 2 diabetes, improves cardiovascular health, may help you lose weight, the list goes on and on. Now who wouldn’t want any one of those – better yet, all of those?

            So, as part of this 12 week plan I think it is important to consider fitting in regular exercise. Take a look at your schedule, could you get up a bit earlier and work out or walk before going to work? Yes, I know you are already getting up early and it is very dark still and will be even darker next week when the clocks jump ahead but try it for a week and see how you feel. Or try doing something active for 30 minutes when you get home. Take it one day at a time. Sure at the beginning you won’t see any big changes but maybe you’ll notice a bit more energy or a better night’s sleep. If you keep at it you may notice your clothes fitting differently and that I think is a great motivator. Feeling thin and fit reinforces your willpower to continue. Change it up, don’t stick with the same type of activity every day or if you do remember to push yourself a bit extra each time. The body is designed to be worked (I read that somewhere) and you’ll notice that the more you work it, the better it will feel. Of course always check with your doctor before beginning an exercise program.

            Picture yourself 10 years from now, are you active and mobile or are you limited by what you can do? I for one do not wish to wait for someone else to push my wheelchair off the plane. I have been doing this for two weeks now and need another notch in my belt. Just typing that puts a smile on my face. I feel good knowing I am headed in the right direction. I wish all of you, the same success. Please let me know how you are doing.


Week 6:Organize Your Jewels

            Welcome to week 6 of the 12 week Get Organized Plan for 2009.  I started this 12 week plan because I realized there were some problem areas in my own home that needed some maintenance. “Maintenance” is what we organizers call the revising of systems that aren’t quite working as well as they should and also the ongoing “cleaning up” we do to keep the system working at its best. In the past several weeks we have talked about the kitchen, the entryway and all kinds of papers.  Today I realized the jewelry “situation” needs maintenance. Sure, women have more jewelry than men but everyone needs a place to keep their rings and watches. Where do you keep your jewelry?

            I have three places: the bathroom (where my everyday earrings and watch live overnight) a jewelry box for less frequently worn items and a drawer in the closet that has a specialized insert designed for jewelry. Although this might sound like a great idea, the compartments are very large and even when grouped similarly it is difficult to find what I am looking for (and I don’t have a lot of jewelry). The jewelry box, which is kept in a dresser drawer, has two removable inserts but you need to open the lid and pull the top insert out before you can reach the other one. I like things quick and easy and this is just too many steps for me.

            The first thing to do is analyze the situation and figure out what the options are. In my case it’s easy. Redo the drawer in the closet and make it function efficiently. I sized up the drahanging jewelry organizerwer and tried to estimate how much space I needed for my jewelry. Then I bought four different sized inserts that fit perfectly in the drawer. One holds necklaces and two others hold earrings and the other one holds larger pieces like bracelets and watches. The two larger units fill the bottom of the drawer and the smaller ones slide back and forth on top of them. There are many options now from hanging plastic bags to different sizes, shapes and colors of drawer inserts as well as jewelry armoires. Find what works for you.

            Step two is to sort and examine all the jewelry. Clean it if it needs it, repair it or toss it and pair up any earrings that may have lost their mate over the years. If you haven’t worn it in a while another option is to sell it at a jewelry store. Many jewelry stores are paying cash for gold.

            Lastly, organize it. Group like with like so you can see how many different categories of jewelry you have. Then you can decide how you will place the jewelry into the inserts. Will you put all your favorites together, or group all the gold in the first row and silver in the second? Make it easy on yourself and design a system that is simple and easy to remember.

            Be flexible, if it doesn’t work after a week or so, change it around. It is often hard to predict the best way to organize something on the first try. The key is to watch for what happens and adapt the system if necessary. Once you have it working it will take about three weeks before it becomes a habit. Don’t confuse “forgetting” with not working.

            These same three steps of analyze, sort and organize can be used for organizing other areas of your home such as your dresser drawers, kitchen drawers or a DVD collection. The key is to have your home function for you and the way you live. Make it easy on yourself.


March 19, 2009: Tackle and Tame Your Mountain of Paper Presentation begins at 7pm at the Norwell Middle School Community Room in Norwell, MA. Register to attend this free presentation and learn tips and tricks for organizing the papers of your life. Email: laine@laineslogic.com to register.


Come In: Organizing Your Entry

First the snow, then the ice and now the melting mess! The warmer temperatures (although I love them) have started melting the mounds of snow and uncovering layer upon layer of sand and salt. Is all this coming into your home? Are you tired of stepping over piles of boots and shoes as soon as you come in the doorway? Well, here’s some help for your entryway:

1.  First try to trap as much dirt outside as possible by using a large door mat outside your door. If you often enter your home through the garage, it’s a good idea to put a mat there too. This will trap some of the dirt. Place another large rug or mat inside your entryway door to catch more of it. Make sure it can handle wet boots or use a boot tray. Vacuuming and shaking the rug outdoors will keep that grit where it belongs.

2.  Many families remove their shoes at or near the doorway. This really cuts down on the amount of sand and grit in the rest of the home. Having a shoe rack, boot tray or basket to contain the shoes gives them a “home” and keeps them together. The easier it is to put the shoes in a spot, the more likely the children are to do it. Assign a spot for each child and watch what happens.

3.  Once inside the door, the hats and gloves (or mittens) are the first things off. In schools, children use cubbies and lockers to keep their things together. Why not use the same idea at home? Cubbies or shelving units with baskets for each family member or as Donna Smallin (Organizing Plain & Simple) suggests use a clear pocket hanging shoe bag. This makes it easy to keep things together and to quickly find them.

4.  The simpler the process the more likely it will be done. To hang a coat on a hanger in a closet is a five step process. Think about it. Open the closet door, get the hanger, put the coat on the hanger, hang it on the rod and then close the closet door. Hooks work so much easier. I like the two or three prong hooks with rounded ends. Our hook rack is on the wall by the door. It’s quick and easy and keeps the coats off the kitchen chairs. Sure, they could all be hung up in the closet, but why work harder just so it looks neater? I learned early on that my kids did not care how “nice” I wanted the house to look.  I realized it was much more important for the house to function so that it could support the people living in it.  I cannot guarantee it but from what I have seen, easy beats complicated every time.

5. Since the entryway is also the “exitway”, it is important to have the other things you need when leaving your home like your keys, bag and cell phone nearby. Creating a place for these “necessities” is often referred to as a drop zone, landing pad or launch pad area. You may already be using an area as a drop zone without even realizing it. Look around. Do you see books or DVDs waiting to be returned, or is there always a pile on the first flat surface inside the door? Then this is probably a good place to set up a real system to handle the things that are temporarily being stored there. See our blog dated August 6, 2008 titled, “3 Tips to Organize for Back to School for more information on setting up a launch pad with children. Put the systems in to place and watch the clutter disappear. Your home will then function for you and your family and that’s what it’s really all about.

Need help organizing your papers? Come to the Tackle and Tame Your Mountain of Paper Workshop on Thursday, March 19, 2009 at the Norwell Middle School Community Room (328 Main Street, Norwell, MA). Starts promptly at 7pm. Please register to attend this free workshop by emailing your contact information to laine@laineslogic.com

Get Organized Plan Week 4: Whip your kitchen into shape

KitchenNow that we’ve handled the papers that invade our lives and our space (see January blogs), it’s time to organize those spaces that we use the most. The kitchen pops into mind for several reasons. If it’s hard to cook or we can’t find what we’re looking for, what are the chances that we’ll put in the time and effort to cook something healthy? The kitchen is often a favorite gathering place and a great place to strengthen relationships. Being able to quickly find things and pull together meals takes the hassle out of dinner and that helps lower the stress level in the whole household.

Start with a menu plan. No one wants to think about what to cook for dinner after a day at work. Do yourself a favor and either plan a week or a month of meals. Then each week shop for the ingredients you will need for the upcoming week and you’ll have everything you need for each night’s dinner. Remember to check what after school activities or late afternoon meetings are scheduled and plan accordingly.

Here are the things that I think make my kitchen work. I hope you can benefit from these tips and make your kitchen a haven.

  • Set up your zones so you’re saving yourself steps. Keep the most used items within the closest proximity to where they are used. For example, keep the pans near the stove along with the spatulas and stirring spoons.
  • Drawer dividers in all drawers. Why hassle trying to find a utensil in a drawer filled with them? Divide the drawer and group like with like into each section. Makes finding things quick and easy.
  • I use several tools very frequently. I like to have two of them so that if one is in the dishwasher, I can quickly grab the other one. I have two pairing knives and two vegetable peelers for instance.
  • Add a level. Take a look in your cabinets, is there empty space over your stack of dishes? Then add a wire rack and use the available space to store other often used dishes.
  • Use pull-out shelves on rollers in lower cabinets so that you can see and reach everything stored under there. These are easy to install and can be purchased at most Home Improvement stores.
  • Avoid having to search your refrigerator and set up zones in there too. Keep all the condiments together, have a space for leftovers so you can find them and eat them before they become a science experiment. It makes finding things easy and you can tell when you are out of something.

Take a look at your kitchen and see if any of these ideas will help make your kitchen more “user friendly.” Add to that a general decluttering of the things you don’t use or that are broken and need replacing and your kitchen will soon be an organized, stressfree zone. Let me know how you do.

Get Organized Plan:Week 3 – Electronic “paper”

How to handle your electronic “paper” so you can find what you need quickly is the third in our series on handling the papers in our lives. We have set up a system to handle the incoming mail and papers (see blog dated January 12) and we have cleaned out our files (see January 19). Are you still with me? This week we are going to tackle our electronic “paper” and that includes documents, emails and Rss feeds.


First up is your email inbox. Stop and take a look at how many emails are in your inbox (23 now down from 154 for me). Many of them you have probably looked at, but maybe there are some that you still haven’t opened. If it were real paper mail would you leave the unopened mail in the mailbox? Of course not, so why are you leaving it in your inbox?


Just like in other organizing we can use Elizabeth Hagen’s acronym S.T.A.R.T. for our electronic paper too. If you have more than one email account you will need to follow the steps for each account. Once you have a manageable number which I would say should be 25 or less then you will know that nothing is slipping through the cracks.


No more postponed decisions, let’s get S.T.A.R.T.ed! We can combine the first two steps of sort and toss because it is easy to make those decisions at the same time.  First Sort your entire inbox by name (I use Outlook Express) and then you can see how many emails have come in from each source. You may not need to read many of them because you know what they are. Use the shift key as you highlight each email and then you can delete (Toss) a group at a time. If you see a large group you can use the shift and control key to highlight the first and last email and everything in between will be highlighted and then easily deleted. Next is Assign a home. The emails that you need to keep should not be kept in the actual inbox but in subfolders. Please remember that the Pareto rule applies here too. 80% of what we save we never look at again. Think carefully before saving. Create subfolders that make sense to you. I have a folder for each family member, close friends, genealogy information, etc. in my personal email account. My business email has many more subfolders. There is also a TO READ folder in each account. If you absolutely need to save the email then you can RESTRICT it to a container/folder by dragging and dropping it into the appropriate folder. Keep going through the entire list or set aside 15 minutes a day for a week to go through your inbox until you can get it down to just those that you need to take action on. You can also “flag” items to mark their importance. Try to deal with the email as it comes in. I know David Allen of the Getting Things Done system likes to keep his email inbox at zero. I am happy when all the emails fit on one screen and I don’t have to scroll down. Get to the point that makes you feel like you are in control and then periodically go through your inbox and folders and sort and toss to TAKE BACK CONTROL. (Don’t forget to delete the sent items folder if your program automatically saves a copy of each email you send.)


You can do this same process with your documents (Word, Excel, Publisher etc). Start with setting up subfolders in your My Documents folder (if you use Microsoft Office) that make sense to you. Save items with titles that are meaningful so you can quickly find what you are looking for and save them in the appropriate folder. Clean out those folders periodically as well. If you just save all your documents in the My Documents folder then you need to search through every document you ever saved looking for one specific one. That is much more time consuming. Make it easy on yourself. If you realize you have saved something in the wrong folder, then save another copy using the “save as” feature and delete the one in the wrong folder. I have over 50 subfolders but they have rather specific names so that I can quickly find the folder I am looking for (Blog, Correspondence, Household, Website, etc)


For you avid blog readers you may have subscribed to several RSS feeds (I use Google Reader) and are notified of new content on each. Sometimes this can get ahead of you and quickly mount up. Take time to clear these out too. Scheduling 20 minutes a week to go through and read the ones that interest you and mark “as read” the ones that don’t may help you keep it under control.


Last place I see clutter on a computer is on the desktop. How many of those icons do you really use? You can delete the shortcuts (those with the arrow on them) without deleting the programs they belong to. You can group the icons together in ways that are meaningful to you or set them up by frequency of use. All programs can be accessed from the start menu so ask yourself if it is really saving you time to hunt through fifty icons to find the one you want or is it easier to use the start menu? Isn’t it nice to see the wallpaper again? Good luck with this week’s organizing task as it may be a bit time consuming, but well worth it in the end. Let me know how you do by clicking on the Comments below.


Next Tackle and Tame Your Mountain of Paper Workshop is March 19, 2009 at 7pm at the Norwell Middle School Community Room. Register to attend…it’s FREE.



Get Organized Plan: Week 2

Fess Up about your Files!

This week we are going to clean out our files, collect the necessary items for doing our taxes and set up household files for 2009. Ready?

a messy file cabinetFirst step is to look at your files. Now fess up, are they neat and orderly and can you easily locate what you need? Or are they overflowing with meaningless paper jammed packed rather randomly into a drawer? The 80/20 rule has been used for our files as well. That means that 80% of what we file is NEVER looked at again. If you had 80% less paper in those files, would you feel better about them? If you answered “yes” you might want to start fresh for 2009. Either empty out your current drawer (and store elsewhere) and start with new folders or find another place to set up this year’s files. You can go back and deal with the old files a little bit at a time, but if you try to wade through that mess before you set up the new files, you just might not have the energy to get it all done. One exception though is if there are any tax documents you need – pull them out before you store your old files.

If your files are manageable, then simply go through each file folder and shred the papers you no longer need. I admit, I save the bill statements for the year….just in case. But at the end of each year I shred them and start with empty folders.

Before filing think, “Can I find this information elsewhere?” or “What is the worst thing that could happen if I didn’t have this and is that okay?”

Here are the key points to remember about files:

            1. Files should be located close to where you will use them.

            2. The headings on the hanging folders should be nouns and labeled so they are easy to read.

            3. The headings should make sense to everyone who will be accessing the files.

            4. The tabs should be on the front of the file so you can pull to open. Line tabs up in a row not scattered.

            5. Use manila folders inside hanging folders if you need to create a subcategory.

            6. Headings should be in alphabetical order.


To help you remember the headings you used, create a file map or list of the major headings in that file drawer. Use it to prevent duplicate headings and to help you remember where you filed things like that property tax bill.

(Hint: I file mine under Taxes so it is ready for tax time). I suggest keeping all the household papers together and then using a different drawer or plastic box for your personal files.

Once your files are cleaned out, set up any new files you might need for the upcoming year.

Now find a large manila envelope and put your tax information in it. Keep it near where you sort your mail (now that you have your command center all set up – see week 1) and as the w2’s, bank and investment information starts to arrive, place them in the manila envelope. Now when you decide to work on your taxes, you will have all the necessary information in one place.

Here’s your Homework for Week 2: Clean out your current files and set up your 2009 files. Make a file map of the category headings on a 4×6 index card and attach it to the front of an empty manila folder. Place this folder in the front of the drawer so you can easily check it. Collect all your tax information in one place.

Reward yourself for a job well done.

Got questions? Leave a comment in the box below, I will be happy to help.

Next How to Tackle and Tame Your Mountain of Paper Workshop to be held March 19, 2009 at 7pm at the Norwell Middle School Community Room. Register to attend by sending an email to: laine@laineslogic.com with your name and contact information.

New Year Organizing Plan: Week 1

MailWeek 1:

Are you ready for lesson one of our organizing plan? What arrives 6 days a week no matter the weather. Sometimes it is only a small amount and other times it is a pile but each day it continues to grow. If left unattended it can cost you time, money and really add stress to your life. Know what it is?  That’s right it is the mail.

Leaving the mail in the mailbox until you have time to deal with it is NOT an option.

Rule #1: You must deal with it EVERY day.

Now that doesn’t mean that you have to handle each bill or invitation on the day it arrives, but it does mean that you have to separate the bills and invitations from the junk mail each day. So by following the next five steps you will be able to separate the important from the unimportant quickly and easily.

Step 1: Toss/shred/recycle anything that you know you do not need.

Step 2: Separate reading materials (including catalogs you want to browse)

Step 3: Separate bills and keep them together in one folder (To Pay)

Step 4: File anything you really need to keep (automobile title, insurance policies, etc.) or put into a TO FILE folder.

Step 5: Put what’s left into an ACTION folder.

There are several storage ideas you can use to house your mail. Vertical hanging pockets, desktop files or literature sorters work to separate and contain the mail until you can deal with it.

Mail  Rule #2: Deal with the ACTION items and BILLS weekly.

Step 1: Set aside 20 -30 minutes a week to handle the action items you have set aside and to pay the bills that have come in. I suggest weekly payment of the bills unless you already have a plan that ensures all bills are paid on time. This is the time to make that call, reply to that invitation, or send that email, whatever it takes to handle all the items in the ACTION folder.


Step 2: Be sure to mark all important dates on your calendar. Clear out this folder each week and you will never again forget to RSVP, pay a late charge on a bill or have to apologize to your child because you lost their permission slip to the museum.

Here is your assignment: Decide how you want to contain your mail and set it up. Whether you use labeled hanging folders in a desktop file or pockets hung on the wall, or a literature sorter, find something that will work for you. Sort the mail each day as it comes in. Pick one day that you will deal with the ACTION items.

Let me know how you do.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!!

I love January! The fresh start offered by those clean white calendar pages always makes me feel hopeful. This year I plan on being more conscious about the choices I make. Sometimes I quickly say “yes” when I really should say “no.” Has that ever happened to you? We may have the best intentions and want to be helpful (liked or avoid hurting someone’s feelings), but in the long run we only add stress to our lives and wear ourselves down because we have taken on more than any human should. Can you tell I am reading “The Art of Extreme Self Care” by Cheryl Richardson? That’s step one.

            Step 2 of my plan (I don’t make resolutions anymore) is to systematically go through my home and declutter, fix or reorganize anything that is bothering me. I like to call them “gnats.” Just like those tiny little black bugs that you can’t really see but feel buzzing around your face, these things “bug” me. They can be physical things that I have been tolerating for too long or an area where my current system is either not working effectively or is lacking. Some examples might be the pile of shoes in the entryway, creating a password manager list (you would think I could remember my Amazon.com password by now), planning time to visit with friends, and handling the constant influx of papers. Take a look around, find what is bugging you and write it down. Then join me as we attack and put to rest these “gnats” that have been bothering us for too long. Each week a problem will be discussed and I will provide you with several solutions. You’ll have a week to complete the task before the next one. Twelve activities, twelve weeks to a calmer, more organized life. Are you in?



For those readers in the Norwell, Massachusetts area or areas south of Boston you can learn how to Tackle and Tame Your Mountain of Paper by attending our free workshop.


Tackle and Tame Your Mountain of Paper

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Norwell Middle School Community Room

328 Main Street

Norwell, MA 02061

Call or email to register

(781) 659-0513



guilt freeToday’s message is just say NO! I am sure you know exactly what I mean. Those invitations and “special” activities that you really don’t want to do, but feel obligated to do, can really put a damper on your holiday spirit. Are you finding that you have less patience, are more tired and a bit crankier than last year? Well some of that could be the constant negativity we are hearing on the news each night about how bad things are. Hearing how many people are out of work and the fact that we haven’t hit bottom yet is very disheartening. At the same time the media is emphasizing that people are doing things differently this year. Even if you are lucky enough to have not been affected by this economic downturn, take advantage of the situation to change some of the “rules” you have been following for your holiday preparation and celebrations.


I am giving you permission to say no to those things that you cringe at as soon as you think about them. For you it may mean the big holiday dinner, writing a long family letter to include in your cards or the hours you spend at the mall searching for the “perfect” gifts (which don’t exist). Now don’t get me wrong I am a strong believer in tradition or in at least having some traditions, but I also believe that each year is a chance to start a new tradition. Our life situation is constantly changing (the young kid stage, teen stage and grown up kid stages, empty nest etc.) so why cling to old traditions when making a new one might work better for all concerned?


This year, I especially like the “unstressed mom” tradition. Being a professional organizer comes with its own pressure, the pressure to do it all and make it look easy. Many of my organizer friends finish their shopping before December even begins-but not me. I crave that adrenaline rush that can only come at 10:30pm December 23rd at the mall. This year though everything will be bought and wrapped by the 15th and the house will be decorated (I am going to make this one too!) The dinner for 35 people on Christmas day will also be simplified (wish I could do pizza but no one will deliver). Who says everything must finish cooking at the exact same time when there is only one oven and a microwave? After all I am THE ORGANIZER! I can simplify and set up systems for handling this dinner just like I can organize any space in the home.


The point I want to make is that YOU are in control. You can say no, you can do things differently as long as you are happy and your family is happy. Talk to them, they want you to be happy too. Work together and make this your best holiday ever.

Wishing you a peaceful, unstressed, organized holiday season.

The Magic of Containers

Do you have mail and papers spread out all over your counters or in separate piles throughout your home or office? With the holidays fast approaching, here is a quick tip to save you time and make your home look “organized.” Ready?

Get a decorative container or basket large enough to hold all those papers and put them in it. There doesn’t that look better? By “containerizing” you are transforming several piles into one and:

·         you’ll know where to look when you need something (saving you time searching each pile)

·         your home or office space will look neater (reducing your stress)

·         you are able to quickly move the container to clear the counter (saving you energy and time)

·         others in the family know where to look (reducing the blame game and your stress level)

In general, containing papers holds them in place until you can deal with them. It takes less than five minutes and can make a big difference in how neat and organized your home looks. One warning though, do NOT put bills in this container! Bills should have a separate home and should never land in a pile (unless you like paying late fees).

Want to learn how to deal with this container of papers? Next “Tackle and Tame Your Mountain of Paper”  workshop is being held January 14, 2009 at the Norwell Middle School Community Room in Norwell, MA. It’s full of helpful tips and it’s FREE (but you must register to attend by sending your name and email or phone number to laine@laineslogic.com

As always, I welcome your comments. Thanks for reading.
