We’ve all heard the term “work/life balance” and its implied connotation that it is possible to achieve a 50/50 balance between work and our other responsibilities to ourselves and our families. I believe that we each have to find our own sense of “balance” and the summer is the perfect time to change things up. What do you think?
Time Management
Time is the one resource that we cannot make more of so, we need to find ways to be more efficient. I am not talking about multi-tasking! When we truly multi-task we are actually flipping from one thing to another and it is about as effective as losing 20 IQ points.
However, here are a few things to think about:
- Do you start each day with a prioritized plan?
- Do you create time blocks to do similar tasks together?
- Are you clear about your work and personal boundaries?
- Can you take advantage of flexible hours, such as earlier or later start times or working longer to have a ½ or full day off, or working from home?
- Do you have morning and evening routines that work for you with very little thought?
Recharging Your Batteries
When we make more time available, it is important that we know what we want to do with it. It can be as simple as taking time for a walk after dinner, or reading a book under a tree or more of a project like planning and taking a family vacation. Recharging activities just seem to be easier in the summer. Of course, this year we have had some extreme heat, so remember to stay hydrated and don’t overdo.
Think about:
- Planning a weekend away or a vacation (and taking it)
- Adding some exercise into your day by getting outside
- Take advantage of farmer’s markets and fresh produce for healthy eating
- Disconnect from technology now and then (Tech free Tuesdays, maybe?)
- Spend more time with family and friends – picnics, bbqs, and get togethers
- Take up a new hobby, or make time for an old one
- Read
- Garden
- Start a meditation practice
- Go to the beach
Whatever it is that helps you feel like you have taken advantage of the summer weather and feel more rested and energized, that’s what you need to do more of.
Thinking Ahead
Summer is also the time to check in on your goals, hopes and dreams for 2024 since we are halfway through the year. How are you doing (first name)? Is it time to revise or update those goals? What’s working in your life and what is not? We’ve been talking about balance, so what is it that would make your life feel more balanced? Don’t limit your thinking to just the summer because the transition to fall comes with the start of school and the winter holidays are not far behind. Sorry, don’t want to stress you out, but want to help you think more into the future. Picture your life as you would like it to be and then think about the steps that can get you there. What is one step you can do this week that will move you towards that “future you?”
Do you….
- Need to adjust or make new goals for the second half of the year?
- Want to take an online course or workshop to develop a skill?
- Want to be more organized? What is the first step you can take?
- Enjoy coming home? Is your home a sanctuary where you feel relaxed?
- Take time for yourself each day?
- Say “no?”
- Get outside every day?
Just 15 minutes outdoors can have a relaxing effect on your stress level and blood pressure and recharges your brain with dopamine and endorphins. So, you’ll have more energy and be happier. What is your biggest take away from this newsletter? Let me know on my FB page.